Covid - 19 Returning to work

Infection Prevention Control Policy post Covid- 19  

This policy has been drawn up due to the current pandemic, to ensure a safe return to work using the current guidelines we have been given by the government available to us as an industry. As further information becomes available please bear with us while we update our policies.

It is my priority to keep our clients and our staff as safe as possible at all times during working hours & to ensure the highest standards are being kept, therefore these new procedures will be in full effect as soon as we reopen. We are still waiting for a confirmed date…


Increased cleaning will be taking place, all areas will need to be cleaned down & disinfected in between every client to ensure a germ free zone. A 15min slot will be added to all client appointments to make sure sure our areas are cleaned thoroughly before the next client enters when you leave the salon. 

This includes toilets, door handles, reception area & all common surfaces.. A 15min slot will be added to all client appointments to make sure sure our areas are cleaned thoroughly before the next client enters. 

All equipment will be single use, where it can be and disposed of in the correct mannar, other equipment will be disinfected and sterilised between clients in line with industry guidelines to prevent cross contamination. 


If you or anyone in your household feels ill or displays any symptoms of COVID-19 please advise us as soon as possible. DO NOT come to the salon please call us on 01787 462813 

If myself or any of the team become ill or develop any symptoms of COVID-19, we will be self isolating immediately for 14days. This means your appointment will have to be rescheduled at short notice. As much as this can cause inconvenience it is for everyone's health and safety. Your appointment will then be rescheduled as soon as it can be. 


Appointments can be made by phone, text or facebook message only, under no circumstances is anyone to come to the salon unless they are there for an arranged appointment. 

No walk-ins will be allowed during this time. 
We also ask that when you visit the salon for your appointment you must attend on your own, no children, friends, family must be brought along to the salon. We will be operating with minimum capacity & will not allow more people within the salon. 

A booking fee will also be required when booking any appointment, as we will be running at a low capacity to meet the guidelines but have an extensive waiting list for an appointment. 

A consultation and Covid Medical form will be on our website that needs to be filled in and submitted before visiting the salon for your appointment.

Visiting the salon 

Upon arrival of the salon please wait in your cars or outside the salon until we let you in. 
As soon as you come into the salon you will be issued with a mask for your personal use,if you have your own you would like to wear please feel free to bring them with you. 

 We will ask you to sanitise your hands at our reception station and you will then be taken straight to the station in which you will be having your treatment. Please do not be offended we also will be wearing full PPE equipment for everyone's safety. 

Any client that does not adhere to the health & safety guidelines we have imposed will be asked to leave. We have to all stick to these guidelines to make the salon as safe as we possibly can for you and our staff. 

We ask you to arrive on time, earliness could breach social distancing rules & you could come into contact with other clients. Also we ask you not to arrive late, if any client is longer than 10 mins late they will have to reschedule their appointment & they will be charged in full for the missed treatment. We appreciate this is not our usual approach but we have an exact time slot and they need to be stuck for the day to run as smoothly and as safe as possible. 

During your appointment 

Hand sanitisers will be available at every station in the salon for clients & staff to use as often as required. 

Drinks will not be served during this time due to government restrictions, we will however be offering bottled water or canned drinks. Please feel free to bring your own hot or cold drinks during this time, but no food will be allowed on site. 

If you need to use our toilets please inform us as these facilitates will need to be cleaned as soon as they have been used. 
We are confident we can perform your treatment to our usual high standard, they may not be as pampering with nice teas, coffees and biscuits but we will endeavour to make them as pleasant as we can, whilst ensuring everyone's safety is priority.

After your treatment 

We will be accepting cash during these times, but where possible please make sure you have a card available for payments. We have contactless payment up to £45 & also accept ApplePay.

Due to circumstances with product price increase & current guidelines we have to work within we have had to have a slight price increase on all of our prices, please see our prices on our website for more information.

When booking your next appointment, confirmation will be text to you straight away we will not be operating with appointment cards at this time. 

We hope you understand & agree with our policy we have had to put into place during these difficult times, they are here to keep everyone healthy & safe. As soon as any of these restrictions can be lifted we will review our policy as soon as we can. If anyone has any questions in the meantime please do contact us. 

 If anyone has any questions, concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to voice them by contacting Sammy on 01787 462813 or email

Stay Alert 

Control the Virus 

Save lives

Sam & the team 